IBEC lends nanotech expertise to national exhibition

The exhibition, which is currently located at the CosmoCaixa science museum in Barcelona but which will soon embark on a tour of Spain, was presented yesterday to the press and VIPS from the Fundació “la Caixa”, which conceived and created it.

Under the watchful gaze of a wall of artificial intelligence ‘eyes’ which recognise faces and literally follow you around the room, Josep took the guests on a guided tour of the interactive exhibits, which aim to introduce nano- and biotechnology, cognitive science, and information and communication technology (ICT) to the general public. Some school parties were also in on the action during the event, making music on the ‘Reactable’, controlling robots and playing tug-of-war with their brain waves as Fundació “la Caixa” DG Elisa Durán officially inaugurated the exhibition.

The venture has already been so successful that the foundation has decided to continue their collaboration with Josep and spend next year creating a larger, more permanent exhibition on nanotechnology which will be housed within the CosmoCaixa museum.

To see some videos of the exhibition, visit